"In the first three years of life, the foundations of physical and also of physic health are laid. In these years, the child not only increases in size but passes through great transformations. This is the age in which language and movement develop. The child must be safeguarded in order that these activities may develop freely."
– Maria Montessori
The Toddler classroom aims at development of self-mastery and self-control. The curriculum includes Language, Math, Science, Geography, Respect & Responsibility, and Practical Life classes. Art and Music are integrated in all subjects. Special Montessori materials help toddlers acquire concentration, coordination, basic self-care and more.
The Prep classroom aims to further develop the skills acquired in the Toddler classroom. The children refine their self-mastery and self-control skills and learn the skills of more complex self-care tasks. The curriculum offers the subjects of Math, Science, Geography, Language, Sensorial, and Practical Life. The program focuses on the development of fine motor skills, early stages of the ability to analyze, conceptualize and make abstractions.